Got a bunch of new distro records in the mailorder section. Pick one up if you’d like!
Posts Tagged ‘Summer Vacation’
We just got some copies of the SUMMER VACATION “Condition”LP with limited-edition silkscreened covers. Go to the mailorder section to pick one up!
How’s Everybody’s Doings?
This Saturday, June 1st, the Albert Square will be releasing a new 4-song 7″!!! NIIIICE!
To celebrate the release of the record, they’ll be playing at Homestead Lanes in Cupertino with Breathing Patterns, Daikon, and Needlecraft (from Montana). Click HERE for the Facebook invite and all that jazzzzz.
You can pre-order the record HERE on the PNP mailorder page or buy it directly from the band at the show!!!
Here’s a little blurb describing the record for you literary-types:
After a two-year hiatus, San Jose