Boboso - Grown Ass Man

Grown Ass Man

From the summer of 2008 until the summer of 2009, I spent a year living in Japan. I spent quite a lot of time exploring my sleepy town by bicycle, shared lots of unforgettable times with my soul brothers and sisters, endured lots of boring times with people to whom I couldn’t relate on any real level, and gained a reputation for showing up to house parties with a bottle of wine in one hand and a carton of orange juice in the other. Oops! I forgot to mention all of the karaoke!

I returned to California trying to win back the girl of my dreams, and when that failed, you could find me pre-gaming for karaoke every Monday with a couple Four Lokos, enduring lots of awkward times with people to whom I couldn’t relate on any real level, and sharing lots of unforgettable times with my kindred lost souls. Eventually, I even won back that girl’s heart.

GROWN ASS MAN is a painfully awkward retelling of these experiences, with a few stupid bilingual puns, and booty and food references thrown in for good measure. Cringe with me.


Track List
1. A Guey With Words
2. Heaven Knows I’m A Miserable Asshole feat. Hank Richardson
3. Calm ‘n’ Punk
4. Cat Lady Status
5. Romantical Fantastical Time-Slip Epic
6. Born Invincible
7. Boboso’s Love Song
8. Sartorial Panache feat. Jeff Rosenstock
9. Grown Ass Man pt. II feat. Morgan Herrell
10. That Breathe In, Breathe Out Shit