Posts Tagged ‘Pillowfights’

Pre-order the BRADBURY “HUCKLE” 7″


You can pre-order Bradbury’s new 7″ now! Click the picture above or check out the MAILORDER page. You can preview the record below thanks to modern technological feats of wizardry!

In other news…
Shinobu and Hard Girls are recording new albums. Shinobu is recording in a cramped practice space, while Hard Girls are recording with the superb Jack Shirley at the Atomic Garden (he’s the dude who recorded most of your favorite records). We also have at least 3 new releases in the works for 2014, and will announce more news on them soon!

She’s got a detachable leg


Leer show at Hijinx House.

Dance party north of the Panhandle. Luda made a cameo.

Coco and Devin from Bread Club dancin’ outside the taqueria.

The Minibosses don wigs and almost go 16-bit.



YES!!! The new Boboso single is here!!! Smooooov lovin’ for the ladies in the listening audience on MESSICAN LOVE, and a star-studded cast on NOBODY KNOWS including Adam Subtractum of the Chillin’ Dogs, Mark G. of the Pillowfights, and B-Pasion of the illustrious Pasion Twinzzz. Download this now! Or play it ad nauseam on the Bandcamp site at your leisure.

Ping Pang!

Our good friends the Pillowfights have released a final EP of songs leading up to their last show on Dec. 17 (with The Albert Square). Peep the tunes if you so desire!

Upcoming Shows

Also, don’t miss Leer and the Pillowfights who will be playing November 1 at Hijinx House in San Jose. 6 PM start, $5!


Here’s a video I made for PNP friends, the Pillowfights:

Click here to see their summer tour dates!